
“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” - Nelson Henderson

(note: “Standard” denotes a plant that is naturally a multi-trunk large shrub, but has been trained to be a one trunk small tree)

Bahama Strongbark

Bourreria succulenta

Cold: Semi-Tender Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

15 ft height. Small specimen tree with weeping habit. Showy flowers and berries. Great for attracting diverse numbers of pollinators and birds.

Buttonwood, Silver Standard

Conocarpus erectus var. sericeus

Cold: Tender Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

15 ft height. Small specimen tree for coastal sites and barrier islands. Distinctive silver foliage.

Buttonwood, Green Standard

Conocarpus erectus

Cold: Tender Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

20 ft height. Specimen tree for coastal sites and barrier islands.

Cedar, Southern Red

Juniperus silicicola

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

30 ft height. Used as living Xmas tree. Good nesting cover for birds. Excellent buffer plant.

Cinnamon Bark

Canella winterana

Cold: Tender Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Moderate Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

20 ft height. Endangered. Understory or specimen tree. Drought-tolerant. Dense and broad crown, thick aromatic leaves, fragrant purplish red flowers in spring, berries in winter. Flowers attract numerous pollinators including butterflies, fruits eaten by birds. Used medicinally.

Cypress, Bald

Taxodium distichum

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist / Flooded Leaves: Deciduous

40 ft height. Large long-lived tree for wet or dry sites. Pest resistant.

Cypress, Pond

Taxodium ascendens

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist / Flooded Leaves: Deciduous

40 ft height. Excellent pond and swale edge tree.

Elm, Florida

Ulmus americana var. floridana

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Deciduous

45 ft height. Fast growing shade tree.

Elm, Winged

Ulmus alata

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Deciduous

35 ft height. Corky "wings" on branches. Nice specimen tree for extra dry sites. Wide spread.

Fiddlewood Standard

Citharexylum fruticosum

Cold: Tender Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry Leaves: Evergreen

18 ft height. Small tree. White fragrant flowers year round, showy golden to dark weeping berry clusters. Glossy green leaf. Tropical looking.

Fringe Tree

Chionanthus virginicus

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Shade Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Deciduous

20 ft height. Small, flowering tree. Slow-growing. Drought-tolerant. Flowers with fringe-like petals in Spring followed by olive-like fruit.

Geiger Tree

Cordia sebestena

Cold: Tender Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

20 ft height. Bright orange, trumpet shaped flowers that bloom year round. Attracts hummingbirds. Will freeze inland. Drought-tolerant.

Gumbo Limbo

Bursera simaruba

Cold: Semi-Tender Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Deciduous

40 ft height. Distinctive peeling copper-colored bark.

Holly, Yaupon

Ilex vomitoria

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

20 ft height. Small tree or large shrub. Small white flowers. Red berries on female for wildlife.

Holly, Yaupon Weeping

Ilex vomitoria var. pendula

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

20ft height. Unique weeping form. Columnar shape. Slow growing. Specimen tree. Red berries.

Holly, Dahoon

Ilex cassine

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Average / Flooded Leaves: Evergreen

25 ft height. Good for moist sites. Red berries on female tree for wildlife.

Magnolia, Southern

Magnolia grandiflora

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Average / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

30 ft height. Fragrant blooms 8 months of year.

Oak, Laurel

Quercus laurifolia

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Alkaline Moisture: Dry / Moist Leaves: Semi-Deciduous

40 ft height. Fast growing. Dense. 100 year life span.

Oak, Live

Quercus virginiana

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Semi-Deciduous

45 ft height. Very broad crown. Needs space. Long lived tree.

Pine, Longleaf

Pinus palustris

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

40 ft height. Long lived tree. Good disease resistance. Nest and food source for birds.

Pine, Slash

Pinus elliottii

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry /Average Leaves: Evergreen

40 ft height. Fast growth. Light, even high shade. Nest and food source for birds.

Plum, Chickasaw

Prunus anqustifolia

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Dry / Average / Moist Leaves: Deciduous

12 ft height. Dense, multi-stemmed, colonizes. Showy, white, Spring blooms. Edible fruit.

The Plum Trees, poem by Mary Oliver

Wild Plum, poem by Orrick Johns

Plum, Flatwoods

Prunus umbellata

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Deciduous

20 ft height. Single trunk. Purplish, edible fruit. Showy, white, Spring bloom.

The Plum Trees, poem by Mary Oliver

Wild Plum, poem by Orrick Johns

Red Maple

Acer rubrum

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Poor Soil PH: Acid Moisture: Average / Flooded Leaves: Deciduous

40 ft height. Fast growing shade tree. Red seeds and fall foliage.

Stopper, Simpson Standard

Myrcianthes fragrans

Cold: Hardy Light: Sun to Shade Salt: Fair Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Moist Leaves: Evergreen

15 ft height. Small specimen tree. Aromatic leaves, fragrant white flowers. Showy bright-colored berries for birds.

Sweet Acacia

Acacia farnesiana

Cold: Semi-Hardy Light: Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Semi-Deciduous

15 ft height. Bright yellow fragrant flowers in winter. Thorny spines. Excellent nesting tree.

Wild Lime

Zanthoxylum fagara

Cold: Semi-Hardy Light: Sun / Partial Sun Salt: Excellent Soil PH: Wide Moisture: Dry / Average Leaves: Evergreen

15 ft height. Small shrubby tree with hooked thorns on branches. Butterfly host plant and attractor.

We try to carry these amazing plants at the Nursery year round, to the best of our ability. Availability changes daily, so please call us (941) 322-1915 or send an email to before visiting to make sure your specific sought after plants are in stock.

Note: we respond to email and phone messages during our open retail hours.

The Conditions




Partial Shade



Soil PH




